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Manage Your Online Life

Nowadays, everyone spends a significant portion of their lifes in the virtual world, using various online platforms such as email, social media, and online banking, among others. This website is designed to assist you in safeguarding your online presence and preparing for a possible major hack that could potentially wipe out all your cyber life, make your life miserable, not to say get your lifetime savings disappear.

Being hacked does not happen only to other people. It could happen to you and your family. And when it happens, it is often too late. Watch this testimonial video from the Wall Street Journal! You will be terrified.

We've crafted an easy-to-follow guide for managing and securing your digital life. It requires no technical expertise and is straightforward to implement. Start managing your online life today, protecting yourself and your family by downloading our cyber guide.

Keep checking back on our site for new additions and advice. We'll regularly update the Cyberlife guide with fresh content to assist you in navigating your digital world.



Two interesting documentaries (might not be free to watch):


Never before have a handful of tech designers had such control over the way billions of us think, act, and live our lives. It's available on Netflix.

Explore how a data company named Cambridge Analytica came to symbolise the dark side of social media in the wake of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as uncovered by journalist Carole Cadwalladr.

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